[ON DEMAND] dyslexic empowerment Videos For Kids (and adults)!
(That Are So Fun & Relatable, You Might As Well Call It Entertainment!)
do you fell your dyslexiaDis holdDDDing you back,


Top 3 reasons why your child is not empowered by dyslexia

  • Having a false idea of what dyslexia is. Most people have misconceptions of what dyslexia is. Most people believe that it's just a learning disability that makes you slow and inhibits your intelligence. This is false; dyslexia is a unique way of thinking and processing information, with its own strengths and challenges.
  • Low self-confidence. People with dyslexia often have low self-confidence because a negative experience of trying and failing while seeing everyone else succeeding. If this goes unchecked, it may lead to strong negative beliefs, which will impact what they do and how happy they are.
  • Not being taught in the way we learn. Having dyslexia means you learn in a different way than everyone else. Unfortunately, most teachers aren't trained in how people with dyslexia learn and can't accommodate them in the classroom. Understanding how people with dyslexia learn best combined with the right mindset, there is nothing a dyslexic can't learn. 

It doesn't have to be this way!

Dyslexia is seen as a disability, but that's far from the truth
Dyslexia can be an advantage.
Here is how!
  • What people don't know about dyslexia, is that there are amazing cognitive advantages to how our minds work. For example: big picture thinking, making connections that others can't and having a very vivid imagination, are just some of the advantage that dyslexics have over others.  Once understood, we can use these to enhance our lives and careers.
  • Being dyslexic brings with it a unique character of strength and resilience. This unique character is built through overcoming  obstacles and creating many coping strategies for every day life, which can undoubtedly be a strength in the real world. and once its fully realised there is almost nothing they cant do if  they set there mind to it.
  • Traditional education is not enough. Having standard education, or even the standard help, is not enough to bring out the strengths in your child and overcome all the challenges. Mainly because they don't know what it feels like. They don't know the struggles that dyslexics like us go through every day; they don't know the frustration and embarrassment that can happen. But I do,
I not only know the darkest days of having dyslexia, but I also know there is  so much more to be gained than you could ever imagine.
Can I tell you a little bit about my story ?
My story of how I was diagnosed as one of the most severe dyslexics in England and improved my English abilities 500% more in 1 year, having little to no help compared to having 8 years of the best help in England!
When I left my dyslexic school after year 11, I had been at the same school for 8 years. I thought that I had finished with all the help I needed, and I was as good as I would ever be.
But, no less than 2 weeks after leaving I reversed back into my old self. My old self, with extreme anxiety about my future, having zero ability to talk to people and I would often go home and cry, saying to myself - LIFE CANT BE THIS BAD?

Then 3 weeks later, when I was watching some confidence videos on my iPad, I clicked on one video and from then on my life was never the same!
Theo Gough 
It was a video of a big guy, who would later be my biggest role model and mentor.  
He said these 14 words and then everything changed - 'THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE IS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR LIFE!'
From that point on I got obsessed on taking responsibility of my life and within a couple of weeks my confidence exploded. 
People asked me,
'Who are you and what have you done with Theo?'
In less than a year my English reading and writing ability improved by 500%!
I did this all with no extra help, support or guidance because what I learnt, there was no help for, support or guidance, UNTIL NOW!

Imagine what life would be like if all the struggles your child faced were gone and dyslexia became
their superpower?
What would it feel like when all the daily struggles they faced just became something of the past,
and their new challenges are just simply stepping stones to growing and becoming the best versions
of themselves?

Imagine what your child would fell like to be so proud of there dyslexia,
 where they are not shy, but excited to tell people about there dyslexia and the strengths it gives them as well as the challenges they face and the strategies they use to overcome those challenges. 

Imagine what it would be like for them to be able to destroy all the problems they faced because of
their dyslexia, not worrying about new problems or challenges which might come their way. They
would know they have a system to overcome them but more importantly they will not let it affect
how they feel or question their capability and never let other people affect how you feel or treat you
in a bad way.
How would they feel getting up every day knowing that dyslexia is a gift in their life?
Now It is time to change there life...
Conquer there Dyslexia!
I have put together something very special for you and your child so dyslexia can become their superpower!
Conquering dyslexia 12 steps video series!
The conquering dyslexia 12-steps video series is their key to master each one of the 12-steps and be able to fully apply them to their life so you can destroy all the daily challenges they have that dyslexia gives them. It will amplify their strengths.
 And get - life time access to the conquering dyslexia show!
The conquering dyslexia show is a weekly training video with real, simple strategies to help you with every area of dyslexia, and to be able to make suggestions about what to do for the next training session. These shows will help so you can find specific strategies to help you solve every little unique challenge you have in your life so you can be unstoppable and spend more time and energy doing things that matter more to you.
And, on this page only, I'm going to include some exclusive bonuses just for you!
Imagine what life would be like if all the struggles your child faced were gone and dyslexia became
their superpower?
What would it feel like when all the daily struggles they faced just became something of the past,
and their new challenges are just simply stepping stones to growing and becoming the best versions
of themselves?

Imagine what your child would feel like to be so proud of their dyslexia. Where they are not shy, but excited to tell people about their dyslexia and the strengths it gives them as well as the challenges they face and the strategies they use to overcome those challenges. 

Imagine what it would be like for them to be able to destroy all the problems they faced because of
their dyslexia, not worrying about new problems or challenges which might come their way. They
would know they have a system to overcome them but more importantly they will not let it affect
how they feel or question their capability and never let other people affect how you feel or treat you
in a bad way.
How would they feel getting up every day knowing that dyslexia is a gift in their life?
Now It is time to change there life...
Conquer there Dyslexia!
I have put together something very special for you and your child so dyslexia can become their superpower!
Conquering Dyslexia full audio book 
The Conquering Dyslexia audiobook is an in-depth book that took me over 3 years of build through sweat and tears to create and publish. This has the story of how one of the most severe dyslexics in England improved his English 500 % more in one year, having little to no help, compared to having 8 years of special education help in a dyslexic school. This is my story of how to conquer your dyslexia and help you conquer your dyslexia under any circumstances to live the life you are capable of.
 Conquering dyslexia 12 steps video series!
The conquering dyslexia show is a weekly training video with real, simple strategies to help you with every area of dyslexia, and to be able to make suggestions about what to do for the next training session. These shows will help so you can find specific strategies to help you solve every little unique challenge you have in your life so you can be unstoppable and spend more time and energy doing things that matter more to you.
And, on this page only, I'm going to include some exclusive bonuses just for you!
Super Cool Bonus #1
Access to a private Facebook group  
This private Facebook group is how you can connect and learn from others in similar situations as you, have support for your questions and be able to make suggestions for future products/courses and get access to preview them.
Super Cool Bonus #2
12 steps audio deep dive  (pre-order)
This deep dive includes 4+ hours of new material, features and concepts into the 12-steps so your child can listen on the move. To help them increase their understanding and gain mastery over their dyslexia.
Super Cool Bonus #3
Dyslexia 30-day challenge
Sign up to get the expert selected training today! They are training videos from the top experts from around the world on all the ways that will help you to conquer your dyslexia. These are videos that have made the biggest impact in my life, and I have put them in an order to take you on the journey to fully understanding your dyslexia. There is also training on mindset, overcoming challenges and the various gifts that dyslexia gives you. We also look at how you can best shape your dyslexia to have the best impact on your life

This is the ultimate dyslexia course to give you everything you could possibly need to fully conquer your dyslexia. 
It’s time To Conquer Your Dyslexia Now!
Limited Time Offer!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
If for whatever reason you are unsatisfied with your results then within 30 days you can get a refund
Now it's time for the....
Don't miss this opportunity!
This is your chance to solve all the challenges you face, amplify the gifts that dyslexia gives you and conquer your dyslexia once and for all.
This offer is just for you, NOW! This is an amazing one time offer that you are very likely never to see again!

-Theo Gough 
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase This AMAZING Offer!
  •  #1. Conquering dyslexia 12 steps videos series      (£200 Value)
  •  #3. Lifetime access 'Conquering Dyslexia Show'     (£245 Value)
  •  Bonus #1 Access to the Private Facebook Group      (£49 Value)
  •  Bonus #2 Audio deep dive                                              (£79 Value)
  •  Bonus #3 Expert selected training                                (£79 Value)
Total Value: £652
But today, you're getting all of this...
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