What if you Could only Attend 

one dyslexia summit

In your life time?

"The MOST EPIC Summit Of 2021"

What if you Could only Attend 

one dyslexia summit

In your life time?

"The MOST EPIC Summit Of 2021"

Dear Friend.
Do you ever feel held back by dyslexia?

If you’ve ever thought…

"i am fighting a system that is set up agenched me, no one understadn the struggel that im going though".

 I know how you feel. 

Whether you are the parent of a dyslexic, fighting to get your child the best opportunities you can. 

Or you are a dyslexic yourself in work or education, just trying to survive.

I know what it's like to be a round peg fitting into a square whole. Growing up feeling so different from everyone else. Being called lazy, dumb, and stupid. Wondering to yourself, "Am I going to amount to anything?"

I have experienced seeing what it is like for a parent fighting the education system for years. Feeling so lost, just trying to help their dyslexic child to have the same opportunities as everyone else.

I know the struggle, and I am here to help. 

There is so much information out there, but yet i still nothing is working, every time i take one step fored it fells like like i take tow steps beck words. 

Dear Friend.
Do you ever feel held back by dyslexia?

If you’ve ever thought…

"I Wish There Was One Place Where I Could Find Answers To All My Questions And Get Solutions To All My Problems"

 ...then you might be stuck in a loop.

Weather you are a parent of a child with dyslexia... or dyslexic yourself in work or education, Just trying to survive. 

There can be so much buzz out there about dyslexia nowadays. With people saying it’s a gift, it’s a superpower.

But yet your just trying to get your child to believe in themselves again,
or you are just trying to catch up in school so you can get the grades you want to set you up for life, or you are always hiding your dyslexia from all your co-workers, scared that one day they would find out.

Your just stuck... and the next thing you know, you’re thinking 

"How Am I Ever Going To Fix This Problem, I Can't Keep On Finding Short Terms Workarounds And Solutions, Is This Going To Be It For The Rest Of My Life".

I understand because I’ve been there.

My name is Theo Gough, and I am a very dyslexic!
Got diagnosed as one of the worst dyslexics in England by my the educational phycologist.

I didn’t get accepted to the top dyslexic institute in London for because my dyslexia was so severe. 

I was only accepted into a full-time private dyslexic school on a week trial because they were not shore they could support my needs as I was one of the most sever dyslexics they had ever seen.

It took me many years of hard work and learning a lot of lessons to build my self-confidence and ability. I started telling myself that my dyslexia will never stop me in my life ever again. 
What I learnt is that there are solutions to every one of the problems you face out there. 

But more importantly, there are role models, leaders and coaches that you can follow, that I followed to get where I am... much faster then you would go on your own. 
When I realised that there were people out there who have had the same challenges as I have had, and yet they have found a way to solve them the game was over. 
I was off to the races, learning everything I could to solve every one of the challenges I had and you know what I did!

My confidence went form literally not opening my mouth all day, to people saying who are you and what have you done with Theo!

My English improved 500% in a year outside my dyslexic school, all thanks to having mentors who made me believe in myself and showed me the way.

What if Someone has Overcome a Challenge That You Are Facing Now. Would You Like to Speak to Them? 

(If it's anything to do with dyslexia I have got you covered)

I have gathered some of the best people to teach you the exact strategy to overcome your challenge with dyslexia. (Some of them I had to do a lot of work to get a hold of).

Whether you're a mum or dad who wants your child to get the best possible help and believe in themselves again.

Or if you are just trying to survive in education, and wanting to learn the best strategies to learning and getting the support you need.

If you're working in ANY job, how to get around your boss, make accommodations and find your passion.

If you're an educator wanting to know more about dyslexia and how to best support your students.

If you are not sure about your dyslexia and want to know how to get a diagnoses.

We have you covered with a step-by-step plan. And even better than that, a real-life mentor who you can look up to, follow and send messages to. What's better than that?  

I understand because I’ve been there.

My name is Theo Gough, and I am a very very dyslexic!
Got diagnosed as one of the worst dyslexics in England by my the educational phycologist.

I didn’t get accepted to the top dyslexic institute in London for because my dyslexia was so severe. 

I was only accepted into a full-time private dyslexic school on a week trial because they were not shore they could support my needs as I was one of the most sever dyslexics they had ever seen.

It took me many years of hard work and learning a lot of lessons to build my self-confidence and ability. I started telling myself that my dyslexia will never stop me in my life ever again. 
What I learnt is that there are solutions to every one of the problems you face out there. 

But more importantly, there are role models, leaders and coaches that you can follow, that I followed to get where I am... much faster then you would go on your own. 
When I realised that there were people out there who have had the same challenges as I have had, and yet they have found a way to solve them the game was over. 
I was off to the races, learning everything I could to solve every one of the challenges I had and you know what I did!

My confidence went form literally not opening my mouth all day, to people saying who are you and what have you done with Theo!

My English improved 500% in a year outside my dyslexic school, all thanks to having mentors who made me believe in myself and showed me the way.

What If someone Has Overcome a Challenge that you are facing Now. Would You like to speak to them? 

(If it's anything to do with dyslexia I have got you covered)

I have some of the best people that I know of to teach you the exact strategy to overcome your challenge with dyslexia. (Some of which I had to do a lot of work to get a hold of).

Whether your mums or dads who wants your child to get the best possible help and believe in themselves again.

If you are just surviving in education, and wanting to learn the best strategies to learn and getting the support you need.
If your working in ANY job, how to get around your boss, make accommodations and find your passion.

If your an educator wanting to know more about dyslexia and how to best support your pupil.

If you are not sure about your dyslexia and want to know how to get a diagnoses.

We got you covered with a step by step plan. And even better than that a real-life guide who you can look up to, follow and send messages to. What's better than that?  

Meet Your Instructors 

DAY 1 Find your passions and learn to love your dyslexia

Prepare to Meet YOUR Dyslexia instructors...

Peter Lewis

Sarah Sedky

Gibby Jasper 

Mads Johan Øgaard

 Anja Norda 

DAY 2 How YOU can thrive at work and use your dyslexia strengths as an advantage 

Prepare to Meet YOUR Dyslexia instructors...

Don Winn

Callum McKirdy

Winifred Winston

Canh Van

Stephen Martin

Colt Hager

Ben Hughes

DAY 3 Have SUPER STAR parenting and thriving through education 

Prepare to Meet YOUR Dyslexia instructors...

Kanika Kumar

Jade Ollivier 

Ingyape Blessing 

Colt Hager

Kathleen Ferrufino

 Confidence building program 

What you will get:

  •  Learn how to use your natural thinking style to your advantage instead of having it working against you.
  • ​​Feel more confident in yourself and have greater trust in your thoughts and feelings.
  • ​​Understand that there is nothing wrong with you and you are good enough, you just have a different type of brain.

Meet your instructors 

Gibby Jasper 

Mads Johan Øgaard

Peter Lewis

Sarah Sedky

 Anja Norda 


Thrive at work  program 

What you will get:

  • Learn how to communicate with your work place to get the right accommodation that you need. 
  • ​Understand how your brain works differently in a work setting, and grow confidence in your skills.
  • ​Find the right fit for you. Understand your strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to communicate them effectively in your work place

Canh Van

Stephen Martin

Colt Hager

Ben Hughes

Don Winn

Callum McKirdy

Winifred Winston


SUPERSTAR parenting +
 Thriving in education programs

What you will get:

  •  Know what steps to take to find the right support and the best possible opportunities in the education system.
  • ​How to get your child to feel confident in themselves and in their abilities and not let dyslexia hold them back.
  • ​Everything you need to know as a dyslexic going through the education system at all levels so you don't slide down and have it hurt your self esteem. 

Meet your instructors 

Colt Hager

Kathleen Ferrufino

Ingyape Blessing 

Jade Ollivier 

Kanika Kumar

Here’s A Recap of


When You Accept The ‘Conquering Dyslexia’ Summit Today!

If you want to be trained by REAL LIFE mentors who have been through the same challenges that you're going through, this is the summit for you.

Do YOU Accept?

Join The ‘Conquering Dyslexia Summit’ Today!

For Only £9.99

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